How to Apply for a National Provider Identifier (NPI)

What is an NPI?

All providers are required to have an NPI number prior to starting with MDstaffers. An NPI is a unique, and standardized identification number for providers. This number is 10 digits and will never expire or change throughout your life. It must be used for claim transactions in health-care billing and reimbursements. To be reimbursed for your services participating in the Enhanced Care Management or Community Supports programs, it is required to obtain an NPI.

How to Apply for an NPI

This identifier will save a healthcare provider time in the future just by taking 15 to 30 minutes to apply now. You may complete the application online visiting the National Plan and Provider Enumeration System (NPPES) website to walk through the application process, or search the NPPES database here if you do not remember your NPI number. Additional help is provided in a step-by-step guide here.

Additional Details:

  • CMS estimates that a health care provider who submits a properly completed electronic application could receive their NPI within 10 business days. It is highly encouraged to continue in your application process while awaiting your NPI number.
  • When providing care for MDstaffers, you do not need an EIN to complete the process.
  • There are two categories of health care providers being “Entity Type 1 – Individual Health Care Providers” and “Entity Type 2 – Organization Health Care Providers.” You will need to complete the Entity Type 1 application.

We recommend the online application because it is quick and easy, however if there are difficulties you may contact NPPEES customer service at (800) 465-3203 to request a paper application in the mail.

If you are searching for additional information regarding NPI or for more resources including FAQs, you may start here.


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